Loren Wesley Vankirk – CEO of VanKirk Electric

Loren Wesley Vankirk, a resident of Watkinsville, Georgia, heads Vankirk Electric. As CEO, Loren Wesley Vankirk develops and implements the firm’s operations and manages its resources.

His accomplishments at Vankirk Electric include increasing revenue from $5 million to $50 million over five years by implementing a strategic and efficient restructuring plan. Mr. Vankirk also established milestone programs to help teams successfully execute and manage projects and continue to expand the firm’s market share. Additionally, his company received recognition for one of its buildings when the Barrow Journal produced a piece highlighting it in a February 2015 publication.

Mr. Vankirk also contributes time to community organizations, such as Greenhouse, which serves abused children, the Boys and Girls Club of Winder, Georgia, the United Way, and the Downtown Development Authority. He is also a member of the Cheyenne tribe.

He counts several activities as hobbies, such as auto-racing his Chevelle SS, golfing, and collecting coins. Mr. Vankirk travels, visiting Europe and Mexico, listening to live music, and watching foreign films.


Loren Vankirk
Watkinsville, GA 30677 US